Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dumped little rabbit

So someone left a rabbit in the old daycare playground that closed down. You should have seen the production, 2 ladders, Hillary & the corner store guy holding one while I climb over the 12 ft high fence to try to reach the one on the other side; 20 minutes of following the rabbit around the yard w/ a carrier until Hillary found a laundry basket up the block. Then another 10 minutes or so until I put the carrier on top of him. Then the fun part was to transfer the rabbit to the carrier without it getting loose. It was a one shot deal and luck was on our side. Then we had to transfer the rabbit over the fence (trying not to drop it), we were successful at that then it was my turn to climb back over and after swinging my 2nd leg over, oops! I slipped, not bad just a bruied nerve on my wrist and lots of bruises.
The happy ending the rabbit got a home that night. This was all on my way home from work and to get a bottle of wine to relax after a long day, turned out to be a long night too! But the bottle of wine was opened and enjoyed

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course he wants care and shelter. You don't buy love for nothing. Like all pure creatures, cats are practical.

William S. Burroughs"