Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oscar (aka Velcro) & Delilah

Oscar and Delilah were found on 11/13/08 at an elementary school near me. Little Oscar was only about 3wks old and the sole surviving sibling and his mom. His mom was so grateful she let me pick Oscar up in front of her without even a hiss and she practically walked into the carrier. Delilah was definitely someone's cat before but I was told she was a street cat for about a year, anyways she is the sweetest most affectionate girl and a tender and devoted mother. They are still with me and looking for a good home for them but I am having a ball watching Oscar's antics as he grows.


His story started off sad but is much better and far from being finished. He was found on 12/14/08 meowing outside my hallway. Me being the cat lady that I am had to go and investigate the matter and found this tiny little 9wk old kitten huddled in a corner cold and scared. I managed to grab him (not an easy thing to do) and bring him inside to my bathroom. He was hissing up a storm and wouldn't let me near him but he was eating the food I put down for him. It wasn't until the next morning when he saw little Oscar (my 7wk old rescue) that he let me come near him and even pet him and hold him. That night he got a bath and some medicine and was starting to feel a little better.

Then a few days later it all unraveled; the Saturday before I found him my friend told me she saw a black kitten on the street but I wasn't able to rescue it at that time. I then found out that my neighbor next to me a week prior had actually picked up Casimiro off of the streets and brought him into her home, but he was pooping everywhere and hissing at her so she just opened her front door and let him out-(this is where I find him). Well it turns out that the little black kitten was his sibling. I am still searching for the black kitten. But, Casimiro is off to a good life...

Monday, December 22, 2008

My First Fosters

My first foster kittens were Tom & Huck, and oh boy did I get a crash course with them. They weren't related but were rescued from the same area and bonded with each other so it was decided they should stay together. They were a good pair and complete opposites so there was a nice balance. Tom was the CLUMSIEST cat/kitten I've yet to know, never saw a cat take so many tumbles, he was also the goofy and the sweetest little boy. He loved to sit on your lap while I had my morning coffee. Huck is the sly one and a hunter, he is also the charmer. Together they are both mischievous and love to attack each other. Laundry beware, the bags and hampers are not safe with these two around.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Sacha was my second, he was my older one adopted at 8yrs old and the sweetest boy ever. He tolerates and accepts Sofia is the Queen but don't mistake he has his demands too. He has to sleep next to me and as soon as I get up in the morning he will take over the bed.


The first cat I got when I was grown up was Sofia, I was looking to adopt an older cat but she caught my eye and I couldn't refuse, she looked like a princess and that she is! But, she is also the head of the house and if she isn't happy no one is.

How this blog came about

I decided to start this becuase of all of my adventures with the Feral, Foster and Permanent cats in my life. Here are stories and tidbits of information I have come across and thought I would decide to share. I hope everyone will enjoy these stories as much as I have.